Start & Turn Clinic
Date: Sunday, April 13th, 2025
Location: TCNJ Aquatic Center
Ages: 11 & Up
Cost: $145 (Includes Lunch & Swim Cap)
Description: Enhance your competitive edge with our Start & Turn Clinic! This specialized clinic focuses on the fine points of your starts & turns. Sessions are structured around technique & explosives in order to maximize your speed & efficiency. Open to swimmers of all levels looking to refine their skills.
Clinic Schedule:
8:30-9am: Drop-Off & Registration
9-10am: Classroom Instruction
10am-12pm: Turns & Underwaters
12-1:30pm: Lunch & Classroom Instruction
1:30-2:00pm: Dryland Session - Mobility Yoga
2-4pm: Starts & Breakouts
4pm: Pick-Up
Event Details:
What to Bring: Suit, Goggles, Towel, Bag, Gym Shorts, T-Shirt, Sneakers, Water Bottle
Refund Policy: Refunds will not be provided
Required Documents: Every participant needs a waiver signed by a parent or guardian that will be provided upon drop-off/registration.
Will parents be able to view the Clinic? Yes, we will have our upstairs balcony unlocked for parents to observe the clinic. Classroom sessions will be closed due to space limitations.
Any further questions can be directed to Dave Dow, 609-771-2230,